Local Groups - MyVision Oxfordshire

Local Groups

MyVision Oxfordshire has set up several groups in the county. From coffee and cake mornings to regular VI tennis sessions, we try to provide a broad range of activities, or signpost partner organisations who offer accessible sessions, to ensure that visually impaired people can still access social support, and exercise in a supportive and safe environment.

We also offer travel to some of the groups from our offices at Bradbury Lodge for those who do not have easy access to transport.

We also host groups which meet online so that those who are unable to travel, or leave their home, are still able to chat and connect with local people and share their experiences.

Text that reads 'MyVision social Group' with a photo of three lattes beside it

Click here to view our new Social Groups page. This page includes all events from each area, Children and Young People, Green Walks, and more

Find a group near you by selecting one of the areas below.

Oxford City


South Oxfordshire

West Oxfordshire

Vale of White Horse

Want to get involved?

You can get involved with MyVision Oxfordshire, if you have some time to spare then volunteering as a befriender might be of interest.

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MyVision Oxfordshire is registered as a charity in England and Wales No.1140556 and as a company limited by guarantee in England and Wales No. 07465300.