Thank you to our amazing volunteers

3rd – 9th June is Volunteers’ Week and we would like to thank our amazing volunteers for all the hard work they put in to our charity!

Volunteers are the backbone of our organisation and they provide so much support in so many ways. Our counselling and befriending services are carried out by volunteers.  Volunteers also support us with fundraising, local groups, administration, and so much more!

We asked a few of our volunteers why they chose to volunteer for us and here is what they said:


“When I think about why I volunteer to assist visually impaired people the following words, said to me by a visually impaired person just the other day, sum up the reason in a nutshell:

“Thank you so much for helping me to go to the club. To be able to get out of the house means so much to me. It is so stressful being unable to do this for myself.”

For a sighted person it is a simple thing just to open the door and go out for a walk, go shopping or visit friends. It is so easy to forget how isolating (and hazardous) life can be for a person with little or no vision.”

John posing for a photo and smiling


“Being a volunteer is fun and very rewarding. One of my closest friends was registered as partially sighted last year, and I went with her to the MyVision group in Abingdon so she could meet people in a similar situation to herself.

It’s great, and because of them I volunteered to visit a MyVision client on a regular basis. We’ve never looked back! She is a great lady who is kind, amusing, and a delight to be with. We both look forward to our coffee with a chat and a good laugh!

It has evoked many memories for both of us, and it’s been good to talk. I have found it has greatly improved my mental health, and being with someone whose needs are specific is a great privilege.”

Liz smiling while taking a selfie.


“Being a volunteer at MyVision is great; it’s such a positive experience and they are a really friendly group.

I have learnt about the various types of sight loss and how people cope and adjust to it. I can help a little by being a volunteer, it also feels good to be helping and giving something back.”

Adele smiling for a photo

If you are interested in finding out more about volunteering for MyVision or would like to know about our current volunteering vacancies, click the link below:

Volunteer – MyVision Oxfordshire

Want to get involved?

You can get involved with MyVision Oxfordshire, if you have some time to spare then volunteering as a befriender might be of interest.

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MyVision Oxfordshire is registered as a charity in England and Wales No.1140556 and as a company limited by guarantee in England and Wales No. 07465300.