Join our Lottery - MyVision Oxfordshire

Join our Lottery

Join our MyVision Lottery and you are in with a chance of winning up to £25,000 every week!

When you sign up to our lottery, you are not only supporting us and the services that we provide, for just £1 you are in with a chance of winning up to £25,000, each week!

I was delighted to win £20 in the first draw. I’ve had tickets for similar lotteries over the years, but this is the first time I’ve won anything, so I was really pleased. – Joanna

Find out how you can get involved here

Want to get involved?

You can get involved with MyVision Oxfordshire, if you have some time to spare then volunteering as a befriender might be of interest.

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MyVision Oxfordshire is registered as a charity in England and Wales No.1140556 and as a company limited by guarantee in England and Wales No. 07465300.