Become a Member - MyVision Oxfordshire

Become a Member

Become a member of MyVision Oxfordshire today! Your support will make a huge difference.

Why become a member:

Membership is a vital part of MyVision; by becoming a member you are not only supporting our work with a regular donation, but you are strengthening our numbers and uniting us on our mission.

What you get as a member:

Our membership is about belonging, strengthening, and supporting MyVision. You’ll receive an annual update specifically for members, access to members events and activities throughout the year, and a chance for your voice and vote to be counted at our AGM.

Membership costs:

• Annual Membership – £20 a year
• Life-time Membership – £250 one off payment

“I received so much support from MyVision I wanted to join and be a part of the organisation” – Barbara

You can also become a member via a paper form; just print and fill out the form attached below and mail it to our office at: Bradbury Lodge, Gordon Woodward Way, Oxford OX1 4XL.

Want to get involved?

You can get involved with MyVision Oxfordshire, if you have some time to spare then volunteering as a befriender might be of interest.

Volunteer Today

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Low Vision Shop



MyVision Oxfordshire is registered as a charity in England and Wales No.1140556 and as a company limited by guarantee in England and Wales No. 07465300.