Safety Features and Tools for Independent Living - MyVision Oxfordshire

Safety Features and Tools for Independent Living

If you’re visually impaired, daily safety can be a difficult thing to manage. It’s important to stay safe online and in your home.

Part I: Handy Features with Amazon Alexa

Using Amazon Alexa can make daily tasks easier and safer for everyone, especially those living alone or with sight loss. Here are just a few ways in which you can utilise it to make your life easier

1. Voice Control:

   – “Alexa” is like a hands-free helper. Want to hear a book, play some tunes, get medication reminders, or control gadgets around your house? Just say “Alexa” and tell her what you need.

2. Quick Check-In:

   – The “Drop-In” feature lets chosen contacts connect with your device anytime. It’s a comforting way to ensure that someone is okay or get help fast.

3. Home Monitoring:

   – “Alexa Guard” is a virtual security guard. It listens for concerning noises, like alarms or shattered glass. Just follow some easy steps in the Alexa app to activate it.

4. Setting Reminders and Waking Up:

   – Need to remember something? Alexa can remind you, and if you’re not a morning person, you can even use Alexa as an alarm clock!

Part II: Smart Devices to Enhance Home Living

You can make your home more convenient and safe by using these smart tools:

1. Smart Lights:

   – Control lights with your voice or set them to turn on or off automatically. All you need is Wi-Fi enabled bulbs and then you can let Alexa know that they’re ready to use.

2. Keyless Entry:

   – Smart locks let you lock doors with a voice command and alert you if doors are accessed. It’s added security without the hassle of keys.

3. Find out who’s Knocking – With or Without Seeing:

   – Video doorbells let you know who’s at your door. Even better, if it’s someone Alexa recognizes, she’ll tell you!

Part III: Services That Come to You

Here are some services that cater to those who prefer or need to stay home:

1. Food at Your Door:

Services like Meals on Wheels bring tasty, healthy food right to you.

2. Need a Ride?

Some places offer special transportation just for seniors or people with disabilities.

3. Home Helpers:

There are teams that offer in-house help, from medical needs to just having a chat.

Part IV: Staying Safe at Home

A few quick tips to keep home sweet and safe:

1. Tidy Up:

A neat space is a safer space.

2. Hold On:

Consider adding handrails in spots like the bathroom or stairways.

3. Quick Call:

Have important numbers ready to dial in a pinch.

No matter the tech, nothing beats regular catch-ups with loved ones or caregivers. Stay connected and take care!

For more tech news and advice, click here.

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us at or 01865 725595.

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