Being told that you have a visual impairment can be devastating. Losing your sight is a real bereavement, and many doctors do not have the time to explain or offer the required level of support. MyVision Oxfordshire’s free counselling service is available to anyone in the county who has been affected by visual impairment.
Research from RNIB states that 31% of blind and partially sighted people are rarely, or never, optimistic about the future, and that more than 4 in 10 people attending low vision clinics are suffering from symptoms of clinical depression. Even though people affected by sight loss are more than twice as likely to have experienced difficulties with unhappiness or depression than the UK average, only 17% of people experiencing sight loss are offered emotional support in relation to their deteriorating vision.
The Counselling Service

MyVision Oxfordshire provides free counselling sessions over the telephone or in-person. No-one is excluded from seeking support because of their financial situation or because they are unable to travel to our office. Our service is unique as our counsellors have personal experience of visual impairment, meaning they are sensitive to the concerns associated with sight loss.
“[MyVision’s counsellor] made a huge difference in my life. I’ve really enjoyed talking to her. I feel that I have made really good progress.”
– Duncan
During 2022, our two counsellors held 267 sessions with clients. With your help we can provide even more support for anyone with a visual impairment living in Oxfordshire.
“MyVision’s counsellor has helped me to get things in perspective, and to cope more effectively with what is going on.”
– Julie
How you can help
Your donation means we can offer visually impaired people in the county with emotional and mental health support provided by a trained professional with a unique understanding of sight loss.
To make a donation click the button below: