It's Trustees' Week! - MyVision Oxfordshire

It’s Trustees’ Week!

Trustees’ Week (6th – 10th November), which is now in its 13th year is a time to celebrate the trustees and their amazing achievements across countless organisations throughout the UK.

We would like to thank our trustees for everything they do for us. MyVision Oxfordshire would not be able to accomplish its work without the incredible team of trustees. They are responsible for the overall direction, governance, and strategy of our charity. Our trustees are vital for our organisation, and they provide us with so much guidance and support.

The theme for Trustees Week this year is ‘Many voices. Working Together. With Purpose.’ Nowhere is this statement exemplified more than at MyVision. Our trustees come from a wide variety of backgrounds with a wide variety of knowledge, and they have joined together with the common goal of supporting visually impaired people in the county.

Anna Driver who joined us earlier this year said, “I am looking forward to lending her support and experience [as a trust and grant fundraiser] to the MyVision fundraising team and seeing them achieve and go beyond their fundraising goals.”

Anita Lightstone who also joined us earlier this year and has previously worked in partnership with many organisations across health, social care, and the voluntary sector, as well as with the NHS and the Department of Health said, “I am looking forward to being part of this dynamic and person-centred organisation.”

Chinonye Nzewi, our Treasurer is a Chartered Accountant with extensive experience in liquidity management, capital markets and investor relations. She has also had close family members who were visually impaired and said, “I am passionate about using my diversity of thought and experience to support MyVision.”

Thank you so much to our incredible group of trustees. We wouldn’t be able to do our work without you.

Click here to read about our team of trustees and their amazing stories – Trustees – MyVision Oxfordshire

Want to get involved?

You can get involved with MyVision Oxfordshire, if you have some time to spare then volunteering as a befriender might be of interest.

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MyVision Oxfordshire is registered as a charity in England and Wales No.1140556 and as a company limited by guarantee in England and Wales No. 07465300.