Annual Accounts - MyVision Oxfordshire

Annual Accounts

Each year MyVision Oxfordshire’s accounts are produced, examined externally and approved by the board of trustees. These are then accepted by the members and submitted to the Charity Commission and Companies House.

Here you can find a summary of our accounts, a PDF download of our full accounts, a Word download of our Trustees’ full report and accounts and an audio download of our Annual Report.

MyVision Oxfordshire Annual Accounts 2023/24

Below are a set of four tables, outlining our income and expenditure for 2023/24 and for comparison 2022/23. To access the full accounts you can download a word or PDF version below.

2023/24 Income

Unrestricted FundsRestricted FundsTotal
Charitable Activities£7,382£0£7,382
Other Trading Activities£2,766£0£2,766
Other Income£14,912£6,148£21,060
TOTAL INCOME£381,854£280,126£661,980

2023/24 Expenditure

Unrestricted FundsRestricted FundsTotal
Raising Funds£64,940£64£64,994
Charitable Activity£122,516£301,612£424,128
Total Expenditure£187,456£301,666£489,122
Net gains/(losses) on investments £668£0£668
Net income / (Expenditure)£195,066£21,540£173,526

2022/23 Income

Unrestricted FundsRestricted FundsTotal
Charitable Activities£7,280£0£7,280
Other Trading Activities£1,805£0£1,805
Other Income£4,382£0£4,382
TOTAL INCOME£256,596£83,225£339,821

2022/23 Expenditure

Unrestricted FundsRestricted FundsTotal
Raising Funds£60,654£511£61,165
Charitable Activity£78,063£199,645£277,708
Total Expenditure£138,717£200,156£338,873
Net gains/(losses) on investments -£6,604£0-£6,604
Net income / (Expenditure)£111,275-£116,931£5,656





Annual General Meeting 2024

The following link takes you to more information and documents related to the Annual General Meeting

Annual General Meeting 2024

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MyVision Oxfordshire is registered as a charity in England and Wales No.1140556 and as a company limited by guarantee in England and Wales No. 07465300.